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ROMAN BATTLE Pictures, 2007

“The honored gods keep Rome in safety, and the chairs of justice supplied with worthy men!”

-Coriolanus, Act 3, Scene 3

For Rome's picture site index, please click here!

SCA's Pennsic XXXVI  - August 33-8, 2007

Pennsic 36 Rome.jpg (109506 bytes) Pennsic 36 Rome and Family.jpg (95577 bytes) Pennsic 36 Unsterblichen.jpg (102109 bytes) Pennsic 36 Unsterblichen Ladies.jpg (97022 bytes)
Pennsic 36 Unsterblichen Bridge 1.jpg (99959 bytes) Pennsic 36 Unsterblichen Bridge 2.jpg (95954 bytes)
Pennsic 36 Unsterblichen Bridge 3.jpg (96659 bytes)

Dagorhir's Althyng XXIII  - July 28, 2007

Rome at Dagorhir Althyng 23 a.jpg (112371 bytes)

Rome's 20th Anniversary!
Rome at Dagorhir Althyng 23 b.jpg (113444 bytes) Rome at Dagorhir Althyng 23 d.jpg (58214 bytes)

A day of triumphs!
Rome at Dagorhir Althyng 23 e.jpg (121525 bytes) Rome at Dagorhir Althyng 23.jpg (126438 bytes)

A day of heroes!

Dagorhir's Ragnarok XXII  - June 18-23, 2007

Roman Glory - Ragnarok XXIII.jpg (168914 bytes)
This is what heroism looks like.
06-18-07 Rome at Ragnarok - Day One.jpg (82124 bytes)
Rome at Ragnarok XXIII - Day One
06-19-07 Rome at Ragnarok - Day Two.jpg (106111 bytes)
Day Two
06-20-07 Rome at Ragnarok - Day Three.jpg (155729 bytes)
Day Three
06-22-07 - 36 Romans at Ragnarok - Day Four.jpg (160574 bytes)
Day Four
Romans at Ragnarok - the line up.jpg (102939 bytes) 06-23-07 - Rome prepares to march.jpg (117004 bytes) 06-23-07 - Roman Legions march to glory.jpg (90979 bytes) I06-23-07 - Rome at Ragnarok final picture.jpg (147972 bytes)
Day Five
Rome and Family - Ragnarok XXIII.jpg (152881 bytes)
Rome and Family
Ragnarok XXII
Rokan as Aedile.jpg (61900 bytes)
Rokan conducts the auspices at his Aedile's event
Ragnarok XXIII_Closing Ceremony.jpg (100621 bytes)
Ragnarok Closing Ceremony
Ragnarok XXIII_2.jpg (80044 bytes) Ragnarok XXIII_Horatius.jpg (117431 bytes)
Rome newest citizen, Horatius
Ragnarok XXIII_Lucius.jpg (90826 bytes)
Rome's newest Centurion, Lord Lucius Veridius Lupus, Legate of Legion IV

Dagorhir's 1st March Battle  - 3/3/2007

Dagorhir's 1st Gates of Fire in Somerset, PA - 4/21/2007

Right: Rome's Victorious Legions at Thermopylae!

Dagorhir's Mayhem Battle in Glen Dale, MD - 5/12/07

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